I've been having quite a bit of bother with my laptop going slow freezing not responding etc, and I am now sailing in calmer waters. Why???? I have deleted IE9 and Google Chrome. I have IE8 now, and it's not too bad. I think I originally had IE7. It seems that Vista is not really compatible with IE9 I've been reading some blogs and Vista users have been having the same problems. Hope I haven't spoken too soon. Just got to work out how to back-up files. Thanks to all who have been trying to help.
MIne is Windows 7 and as I have said before I spring cleaned by computer of all the rubbish I had but it has still made no difference, I do not know about a mouse, but I think a snail has crept in
That's what I thought wolf, I don't know much about computers but it is performing better now. IE8 loaded in as soon as I deleted IE9 so I'm not sure whether IE7 is still available. Do you all have Vista?