Hey all thanks for taking the time to read this...here is the problem, yesterday my partner and i were o our laptops playing a game we play every day, we were doing a lot of things very quickly, now in the middle of doing things my partner has a screen pop up saying Adobe Update, now without thinking my partner clicked to accept the terms...next thing, the screen flashes white and suddenly a page opens...the page claims to be a Cyber Police Page that claims my other half broke the law (lists a heap of different crimes) and has to pay a £100 fine at a listed place of payment immediately (it lists 3 places to pay, only 2 i have heard of) and that a criminal file was now open on my partner and officers would be calling around within 72hours, the laptop was immediately shut down as the page wouldnt close, and restart was initiated...no further problems occured until this morning, my parner switched on the laptop and immediately it went to the same warning screen...only this time, the page turned on the webcam and took a photo of my partner...The page looks authentic until closer inspection, its says Cyber Polizia, and uses words only used by americans, the page refuses to go away and windows cannot be accessed unless a payment is made BUT my partner CAN log into the guest account on the laptop with no problems, any idea of a really good trojan detecter to try before having to down other routes?
TY methyl for your reply, it explained an awful lot, i am in the uk, windows is version 7, microsoft security essentials is the anti virus, there wasn't an error message, as soon as accept was clicked the cyber polizia page popped up. Apologises for double sending, was late and i was tired.
i have gone to the link you gave me and put the defender on my usb stick, i will let you know what happens with my partners laptop.