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Answerbank 2013 Calender Boys.

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moonraker558 | 16:39 Tue 08th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Here is my entry for this years calender. I thought August would be good for me please.


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Thudddddddd - bloody hell, Moony. The antidote to speedos. Red is so not your colour. Budgie smuggling? I think yours died in the hold, mate :) I still loves you though :) ♥
19:40 Tue 08th Jan 2013
I hope you're not charging for it moonie ?
OMG, ttfn, you're welcome to him!
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What happened to your shed invite then sibbo?
That was before the preview, moony x
should either come with a health waring or an 18 certificate.
I need to wash me eyes now.
I'd like to nominate ttfn for a sainthood. x

It only gets worse when you scroll all the way down...
Or Specsavers
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Steady on girls, save some room for some of the other guy's or they will be getting jealous.
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Still only me eh! If no one else enters I will have to submit another 11 pics of me.
Oh No! Mick Talbot, where are you?
-- answer removed --
I think this is very approriate!
Don't know about August, that could take you through till October.
tennis balls are not allowed triggs :-)
Triggs why aren't you wearing the Tartan bootee slippers I bought you for Christmas ?
My word triggs, you should really get that swelling looked at.

DT - you know that sheep is a girl? (Unless someone has airbrushed the winkie out.)

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