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sprayermick | 15:31 Thu 24th Jan 2013 | Technology
7 Answers
I am involved in a local sports & social club and have been asked if it would be possible to send out by email a monthly newsletter with text and pictures to our members, there are about 50 of them, as I have absolutely no knowledge of how to do this can anyone give me some advice, I was told you could do this through Microsoft office, I looked on my version and it does look possible but what happens if the recipient does not have MS Office can they still read it? or is there a better free way of doing this? any help would be much appreciated.


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I'm no expert

Most people will have a version of Microsoft Office on their pc

In your MO folder you will find Word and Outlook

Word is a modern document processing programme and will enable you to put together a reasonable Newsletter

Outlook is the email software. it includes features such as Team email so you can gather all your distribution list emails and send it out easily.

If in doubt, find a switched on youngster in the family - they'll know how to do it
There are a lot of templates in Googles Drive you can use, simply replace photos and text with your own. Of course you can add additional pages too.

Here's a couple I like:

Using Google Docs you can either send the newsletter as an email, or email a link to it.
Although not an answer to your question the following may come in handy ;-
We were advised at our Sports and Social Club to either send the emails out after obtaining the receiptents confirmation that they do not mind their email address being seen by the others or to send them out blind. Hope this helps.
Saving a word document under rtf (rich text format) means that even those with very old computers can read it. Not sure if it works for photos too.
I agree with KJN - any mailings we send out with personal email addresses are bcc'd to all the recipients.
save it as a PDF then send it
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Thanks to everyone for their answers, you have all been a great help...

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