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Gremlins On P.c

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pusskin | 17:07 Mon 04th Mar 2013 | Technology
7 Answers
This problem is driving me nuts at the moment!

Can anyone tell me what has gone wrong please?

i have about 10 MAILER-DAEMON@ messages coming to me in an email.
Had just as many y/day, and people have thanked me for emails that i havent sent.
Thanks Abers x


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Possibility is that your email address has been hacked. Change your password.
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really? Is that all it needs. I'll be happy with that. many thanks
There seems to be a lot of it about at the moment. A friend phoned me on Friday to say she`d had an email from my address with my name in it. It had a link so that alerted her to the fact that I probably didn`t send it. It seems that everyone in my address book had the same. I managed to forstall most of them by text before they opened their emails. One friend who I warned said that she had 4 people last week tell her that their email had been hacked. Yahoo seems to feature in most of them (although it was my BT Yahoo that was affected and not my address). I changed my password. Don`t see what else you can do really.
Hopefully yes, however you will need to contact people in your address book and tell them to delete the emails, just in case they have dodgy links in them.
We received a lot more dodgy emails at work today than we would usually expect. I think there must have been a push somewhere.
A spammer has 'borrowed' your email address and placed it in the 'return' field of his emails. See my post here:
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Thank you so so much for replies!

I'm not so hot on things like this happening so yes, it did my head in worrying where it all came from.
I've changed my password before i read your replies, so thats one thing I did right. Will think about new email address if it happens again.
Once again you abers are brilliant in helping others. x pusskin

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