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Internet Security

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Bazile | 16:29 Tue 02nd Apr 2013 | Technology
4 Answers
Sorry to raise another post on this , but I just need clarification - and i'm not sure if anyone will answer my question if i tag it unto another posters question .

I've got Windows 7 , with Microsoft Security Essentials installed .

I've also got Zone Alarm firewall , which i'm going to uninstall and swithch on the Microsoft Windows firewall .

What else should I have on my computer as far as security products -or is MSE and Windows firewall sufficient ?


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MSE & the Firewall will be enough (though many would say the Zone Alarm firewall is better than the Windows one).

The other useful product is Malwarebytes, which does offer a free version.

However the free version of Malwarebytes does not autorun so you need to run it manually say once a week.
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Thanks VHG
So ,what exactly does Malwarebytes do and have you a link to download ?
One type of computer security problem can fall under the banner of viruses, but another set of security problems falls under the banner of "Malicious Software" (malware).

Malware can be spyware, ransomware and other malicious software.

Malwarebytes mainly looks for various types of malware.

Note MSE also looks for malware but it never hurts to have more than one anti-malware product.

You can get malwarebytes free from here (see below0.

Note during the install, near the end, you are asked if you want to try the chargable (PRO) product for 30 days. Just remove the tick from this option and you get the free product.
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thanks again

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