Watched an episode of Antiques Roadshow last night.
One of the 'experts' was in a store and whilst they were nattering on about the item in their hand, there was an armchair with a floral covering.
I thought, no! Who'd buy that?
Would you, could you, do you do second hand items?
When I first moved in to my own place I was beyond skint.
The only furniture I had was my bed, a garden chair and an upturned linen bin to put my telly on.
I slowly started filling the place with second hand stuff as I couldn't afford new. Years later, there are still many bits I have kept as I like them and modern stuff isn't as well made.
I still love second hand, charity and junk shops. Nothing wrong with having something that someone else has owned before. I draw the line at second hand mattresses, towels and underwear though!
I have an old coal storage cupboard thing and my coffee table was made by my mate. Other than that everything I have I've had from new (or he has) and no flat pack furniture either.
The suite is from freecycle.
When we first got hitched, the only new thing was the cooker, bought with wedding money. (I may have mentioned Mr Alba wasn't feeling that great when I haggled)
We had a second hand fridge, a second hand freezer, washing machine (twin tub and I would love to have another)
Except for my bed,everything is second hand/antique. I like the idea that things have a 'history'. Back in the States,I had a sofa that dated from the Civil War period. I loved the image of ladies in crinolines sitting on it.
My bed is second hand as well. I need an adjustable bed for health reasons and couldn't afford a brand new one at over £1000, so bought the one I have from a friend's grandma as she couldn't get on with it, she claimed it kept 'throwing her to the floor' bless her. lol
oh Daffy! That reminds me of a great aunt of mine who fell out of bed one night.
(Sober) Poor soul had broken her hip, so not funny. She then needed a bed which she could get into without having to climb everest.
I bought a lovely little half moon table for my hallway - just to put a plant on it under the mirror, and it's the place where most people in this house 'loose' their car keys on!
The main items in my home were bought new, however I love rooting around Auctions and Car Boots for bits and bobs. I browse ebay for clothes and have bought loads of stuff over the years.I have a beautiful circular beech dining room table on a pedestal, which is antique rather than second hand...if there is a difference !
A mattress wouldn't fuss me at all, if you stay in a hotel you don't know who's slept on it beforehand.
I have a friend though who suffers from /lives with OCD and it would pain her mentally to have 'second hand' furniture/appliances in her home.
even at my advanced age most of our furniture is 2nd hand, except beds and mattresses and the bathroom, they were all new. Over here it was so very expensive and awful heavy stuff in the olden days. Mr N has promised since Nov 2012 to buy new settees but we cannot agree on what, I want 3 x 2seater sofas, he wants 2 and use one of our old bright yellow single ones, urghhh!
Btw I hope the expert wasn't Ronnie Archer-Morgan the black guy, he's my bro!
My last house was built in 1912 so I bought a lot of second-hand/antique furniture to complement the style of house.
My bungalow is very modern so I sold all of my furniture and bought everything brand new..............