I don't think your cache is the problem as I've cleared mine and I'm still seeing your old profile on your profile. But if that's what Gravatar suggests then you might a swell do it. You need to go into your browser settings/tools to clear the cache. Or you could try using control F5 and maybe signing out of AB then signing back in
When did you change it on Gravatar?
It should feed through to here if you are using the same email address for here and for Gravatar, but it can sometimes take 15 minutes or so. (At one time they only changed on the hour)
In recent months mine has always changed within 15 minutes, sometimes within 5 minutes. I think yours would have changed by now if the change had been made on Gravatar. I suggest it may be worth going back to Gravatar and checking that your new avatar is showing as your Primary avatar
I don't think your cache is the problem as I've cleared mine and I'm still seeing your old profile on your profile.
But if that's what Gravatar suggests then you might a swell do it. You need to go into your browser settings/tools to clear the cache. Or you could try using control F5 and maybe signing out of AB then signing back in
I know shoota and I have already suggested it but do you still have the same email address for AB and for Gravatar? If the new one is showing as your primary one on Gravatar it may be worth logging out of gravatar now.