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Snap Do

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hmsganges | 08:12 Thu 19th Sep 2013 | Technology
3 Answers
When I try to go into Google a site called Snap Do pops up. How can I get rid of it?


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This may help

There may be simpler ways too.

I'm off to work now but will look in tonight. Good luck
How to remove Snap.Do. Uninstall it as you would any piece of software to start with:

Control panel > Remove/Uninstall programs > Select Snap.Do from the list and remove....

You then need to set your browser homepage, default search engines and so on. You can see how to do that here:

I would suggest leaving the registry part of that guide alone.

Next, scan with Malwarebytes and, once you're remvoed anything dodgy with that, run a scan with microsoft security essentials.
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