Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Really Dumb Question But.....
11 Answers
ok this is so basic its embarrassing but here goes. The black menu bar at the top of my screen has disappeared when I use Chrome -the one that lets you access Gmail, translate, etc. Its still there when I use IE. I can't find how to reinstate it there does not seem to be anything to tick or un tick. I've been fannying about now for an hour and am just about sick please someone help this dumb blonde!
Here is a screen shot showing the 9 small black squares. It also shows you the larger window you get when you select on the 9 squares http:// 4. bp. blogspot. com/- ueZekznLKp0/ US- IabTmDWI/ AAAAAAABIKs/ 55PRV3QS1T8/ s640/ google- new- navbar- 2. png This shows it as well (scroll down page a little)...
11:47 Thu 26th Sep 2013
Here is a screen shot showing the 9 small black squares.
It also shows you the larger window you get when you select on the 9 squares
http:// 4.bp.bl ogspot. com/-ue ZekznLK p0/US-I abTmDWI /AAAAAA ABIKs/5 5PRV3QS 1T8/s64 0/googl e-new-n avbar-2 .png
This shows it as well (scroll down page a little)
http:// www.and roidaut hority. com/goo gle-log o-navig ation-b ar-chan ge-2711 86/
It also shows you the larger window you get when you select on the 9 squares
This shows it as well (scroll down page a little)
Thankyou VHG and hc4361 for your replies and links. I realise now that its Google that has changed its format overnight and not something I've done by mistake. Every time I type something in the Google box it uses the url bar instead, suppose that's an 'improvement' as well. Anyway, thanks again everyone x
Hi Clary...If you wish to have an icon on your desktop to click for a direct link to the search page with the 'Black Menu Bar' then try this.:-
Click open Google Chrome > right click 'Bookmarks Bar' (Strip below address bar) then ensure that a tick is alongside 'show apps shortcut'. Click the shorcut which is now at start of bar and then right click the blue icon 'Google Search' > Create Shortcut > tick desktop > Create.
It might be a bit of long-winded effort but you will end up with an icon on your desktop that will always give immediate access to the page you require. It's a shortcut icon which you can throw in the waste bin if you don't think it's what you want.
Click open Google Chrome > right click 'Bookmarks Bar' (Strip below address bar) then ensure that a tick is alongside 'show apps shortcut'. Click the shorcut which is now at start of bar and then right click the blue icon 'Google Search' > Create Shortcut > tick desktop > Create.
It might be a bit of long-winded effort but you will end up with an icon on your desktop that will always give immediate access to the page you require. It's a shortcut icon which you can throw in the waste bin if you don't think it's what you want.