I've been having difficulty connecting to my wifi on my laptop recently, i've spent hours on the phone to the service provider trying to sort it out and they have now decided that the built in wifi receiver is broke.
I've been told there are products available that i can plug into my laptop via the usb which will allow it to connect to the wifi, i've had a look online and found receivers, antenna's and a whole lot of other things that look similar but none actually tell me which one would be suitable.
This might be what you are thinking of "Plugable USB 2.0 to 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN Wired Network Adapter for Chromebook, Macbook Air, Windows, and Specific Android Tablets (ASIX AX88178 Chipset)" -put that into Amazon . That said I changed the channel on my BT router to get it to connect to my chromebook and that did the trick. If you take your laptop to your nearest cafe with wifi , I'm sure someone wll tell you if your laptop wifi is or isn;t working.
Before shelling out for such a thing, I would take your laptop to where you know has wifi and test whether you can connect there. Call me cynical, but I think your IP is giving you the brush off.
Best way to solve a problem is a process of elimination.
As already suggested, take your laptop to somewhere that has wi-fi and try connecting to it.
If you can connect, the problem is not with your laptop, but with your connection back home (poss your router).
If you can't connect, the problem is with your laptop ..... simples :)
Try turning your router off at the mains. Leave it off for a while and see what happens when you turn it back on. Sometimes they get their nickers in a twist! If that does not help then try a restore.