Whenever I start up my pc the above prog.nearly always states that it is not responding and I have to wait awhile till it does. Can anyone suggest why and how to overcome this,I'm using Vista. Thanks.
I doubt that it's Firefox that's actually the problem. I've found that it can show 'not responding' for a while when other software is hogging resources. (That particularly applies when anti-virus software is updating itself in the background from the net). Take a look at what's set to start automatically when you start your PC and see whether everything in the list is actually needed. (Go to Start > Run. Type msconfig in the box and hit enter. Click the Startup tab. Click to remove the ticks against anything not required. Click Apply. Click OK. Restart your computer. You'll see a message about 'Selective Startup'. Click 'Do not show this message again'. Any changes are easily reversed by simply going back to msconfig again).
Thanks for a concise answer as usual.I went that route for a previous problem,but if i recall it properly I didn't recognise most of the listings to be able to decide which ones were relevant to start up.I'll do that later thanks again!!!