my lap-top is 2 or 3 years old(although I haven't used it much) well, the last few days it's been getting fuzzy, wavy lines intermittently. like old tellys used to get when they needed a thump. Any ideas what causes it. perhaps lap-tops only last a couple of years?
foa methyl, its a Packard-bell P5WSO or 50 on the end.
That sounds like a hardware fault but it might just be worth reinstalling the video driver. Enter your laptop's serial number here: Then download the video driver and double-click on the file to run it. Then restart your laptop.
That sounds like a hardware fault but it might just be worth reinstalling the video driver. Enter your laptop's serial number here:
Then download the video driver and double-click on the file to run it. Then restart your laptop.
I'm going to turn it off for a couple of hours, i'll mess with it later. its in grave danger of going through the window at the moment(as soon as I typed that it stopped, perhaps I should just threaten it from time to time)
right-click on a blank piece of desktop, [drop-down menu]-Properties
one of the tabs will show the existing driver version and possily an option to Repair/Reinstall the driver.
I've never had cause to use that button myself and not sure I trust it, so won't recommend it to anyone else.
Buenchico, is uninstall-old, reboot, install new only for custom video cards or does it apply to native windows drivers too?
e.g. uninstall suspect driver and reboot - how do you get any display (beyond EGA gfx, like the blue screen?
@Hypognosis....I am intrigued by your posting. A right click into a blank piece of desktop Doesn't give me any menu from which I can establish what version of Drivers I have in my Computer.
Please provide some further information because I am genuinely interested
in the drop-down menu which you are getting.
anyhoo, update for anyone interested. Took it to repair shop(or rather my butler did) and he put a new screen on it. £85.
footnote; I've often read advice on here about cleaning screen with a damp cloth, not to spray anything on the screen, etc. What do they know, I would chuckle, having cleaned my screen with windolene, cillit-bang or whatever cleaning spray happened to be near at hand.
Now I cant say for sure that that caused the problem but I can say why take the risk, folks.