Keep getting following message shutting down answerbank. Norton gets rid but it comes back:- Windows has received an HTTP error message 403
(Forbidden) from detected ''''
AB has become almost unusable with Google Chrome constantly warning of a phishing attempt by the flash player installer. What is going on and can we have a comment from the Ab Editor as to when this will be fixed. Still going on despite the 15.13 post that it is "Fixed"
My problems came whilst using google chrome and am now using firefox at and avg is blocking some of the adverts leaving blank all grey boxes and it said earlier it's blocked some of the content which might contain malicious content or something like that so far so good.
True Baldric, however this seems to becoming more of an issue recently so maybe more screening of the ads is needed? I don't know how possible that is though.
I understand that advert allowing is used to fund the site but I don't understand why these adverts aren't screened and scanned by the admin before allowing them on this site unless they are and then malicious content added when they've actually been given the go ahead? Whichever adverts are found to contain the malware should be banned and reported to whichever governing bodies on the internet who deal with this kind of thing as adverts are fine and dandy but if you have no users who have left due to fear of security then adverts become irrelevant as you can't sell to people who aren't there.