Just bought one and it takes ages to charge up from my laptop, what do I need to buy to charge it up quickly please? Also do I need any kind of spyware etc, I will only be using it to surf the net and read books and generally just mess about, don't think I will be buying stuff from it, altho' it seems to be permanently registered to Amazon. Why can't they give you a nice instruction booklet with these things :0(
If it didn't come with it's own plug in charger you should be able to use any modern smartphone charger, it's always quicker plugged into the wall than when charged from a laptop or desktop PC.
The top one in this list seems overpriced to me, obviously it's up to you if you want to buy that one, I would be perfectly happy with the one below it myself.
Thank you both for your replies, yes the 2nd one seems quite adequate to me too Daffy I will order it today :0) Thanks again - now can anyone tell me if I need spyware etc (or is that a silly question?)
As it is an internet connected device I would say yes you do need some sort of security, I don't know what is available for the Kindle Fire HD though so will leave that to someone who owns one to answer.
Thank you Jomlett for that link but it has an X on it and says 'against compatability with my device -maybe because mine is an HD so I will have a look around to see what else there is.Thanks again -rosy