Behind my computer and television, I have 13 electric plug; all but three of them permanently plugged in. It took half an hour to untangle them and dust and wipe them with a damp cloth. Can you beat that? The ones not plugged in at the moment are a printer, cd player and a photo thingy that keeps running through the photos that are downloaded onto it. Two sockets are all that is available for these 10 at a time.
Cupid, I am not exactly bored, rather I wish I were not the only person to clean behind things. Everywhere out of sight is dusty and the vacuum cleaner just seems to stir it all up which shows up when the sun is shining! I am also aware of the birds trying to feed just the other side of the window and I am scaring them away! I would rather be pottering around the garden.
Behind my TV is a no-go area (it cuts across a corner). A mass of cables and undoubtedly spiders. Permanently plugged in is the TV, Sky box, VCR, DVD, router, 3 laptops, a phone, photo frame, aquarium light and heater and pump, 2 table lamps and twig lights.