Mobile Contract in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Mobile Contract

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Beechy101 | 16:52 Sun 22nd Mar 2015 | Technology
4 Answers
I'm getting a new mobile contract deal & have seen one that gives 4GB of data but i don't know if that's a lot?

I just don't want to go over my allowance.
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It's plenty for most purposes - email/surfing/radio/forums/banking etc

If you start watching a lot of video you might be in trouble though
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The only things i'd use that uses data is the usual Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Youtube.

Also the odd email.
Video streaming uses lots of data, so don't spend too much time on Youtube!

See here for an indication of what you get for 500Mb and then multiply the figures by 8 to work out roughly what 4Gb would get you:
Additionally, use Wi-fi as web access as often as possible. Wi-fi access doesn't count against data limit.

There are 5 family members on our (wait for it) Family Plan here in the U.S. As said previously, down loading videos (and music) eats up the data allowance muy pronto. We have Wi-fi connectivity in our home which we needed for effective access for Mrs. C's Kindle, but that access alone has saved plenty of overshoots on our data plan which is only 3GB worth. Couldn't so it without the Wi-Fi. So much so that I carry a device from the phone service provider (Verizon) called MyFi that creates Wi-Fi access when I'm on the road, so to speak… just plugs into the computer and voila!

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