Does anyone else who uses Asda grocery shopping online have problems getting into their site? I can used Sainsbury's and Tesco's alright but for a while now I can't get to shop online at Asda. I'm on the desktop PC with Internet Explorer (IE) 10 with OS Windows 8 running Windows 7 shell.
I can get on all other sites I use and as said, the ones above for shopping but the Asda site no matter where I try from (link on PC, Google etc) just does nothing.
Would really appreciate any help anyone can throw on this especially if you have found the same and cured it. Thanks.
Thanks mccfluff but I want to do it on the desk top and I don't have a smart phone anyway. I have a feeling it could be to do with IE or cookies...though I can get into other sites not sure why this one. Thanks for you reply though, appreciate it.