I have a laptop with a split partition.
I can see the benefits of this - and on a previous laptop i used it by keeping all personal stuff on D drive and all computer stuff, software etc on C -
but i also enjoy the libraries functionality of keeping stuff on C drive, which you lose if its all on D drive
so i am thinking of joining the partitions as one again
-OR -
finding a way to use Libraries across both drives
Is there anything i can do to make this work how i want it to?
However - if there is no way, is there a way to join the partitions without having to clear all the stuff of first?
There are partition changing applications around. Not that I've done that for years now. Have a web-search. Do back everything up first though, maybe make an image, before messing about with that low level stuff though. It'd probably go without incident but you never know for sure.