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Windows 10 Hotmail Folders

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zebo | 12:18 Thu 12th Nov 2015 | Technology
3 Answers
I've just downloaded W10 and can't find the contents of my folders in Hotmail, the folders are still there but they're empty. As they carry details of up and coming trips, I need to get them back. Help, anyone?


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If you left click on the word folders it should drop down your inbox, archive, junk, drafts, sent, deleted. mails.
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I've done that and the folders are there but they're empty! If I go in through they're there with the contents, this problem occurs when I click on the Mail icon on the task bar.
See this post here from Cope1971and then scroll down to how he fixed his problem:
(A few people have posted afterwards to say that it didn't help them but I also see '36 people found this helpful ' against that post. Let's hope that it works for you!)

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Windows 10 Hotmail Folders

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