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Jordyboy9 | 11:57 Tue 08th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
I grudge paying postage on a calendar to new zealand when the postage cost more than the calendar,i dont recycle as i was told it was a waste of time as it all goes in one,i do not want to send xmas cards to people i have not been in touch with all year(my choice) my other half calls me a miserable,tightfisted,moaning face old scotsman,opinions please if you can be bothered to reply to my post


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Some councils prefer all recycling to be in one bin so that they can separate it properly themselves. Too many people put the wrong things in the wrong boxes anyway, so I can understand them wanting to separate it themselves.
Sending cards to people you haven't seen all year is a means to stay in touch; I know someone who ONLY sends cards to people he rarely sees and argues that you give the Christmas message personally to people you do meet regularly, making cards unnecessary.
Errr, I agree with your wife a tad !
ha Jordy..the point is to send cards to folks you DON'T have every day contact wiso they no that yer no deid ! ..where's mine by the way ?
-- answer removed -- you too ma wee sausage xx
Buy the calendar on line from a NZ outlet, saving on postage.
Or buy from and pay $4.99 postage (about £3.30).

Why believe the person who told you it was a waste of time recycling? Believe the council and do it.

How long does it take to write a Christmas card?

Your wife is right. Bah humbug
\\\\I grudge paying postage on a calendar to new zealand\\\

A calendar! a CALENDAR!.........I bet they are looking forward to that in NZ.

Cards for people that you don't see on a regular basis, but not if you meet them on a weekly basis.

Yes, I think that you ARE a miserable, tight fisted git........but so am I. you too ! he wont give address for card 'cos he knows his legion of wummin will turn up and Mrs Sqad wlli skin him alive !
If it's a calendar with a subject which is dear to the recipient then surely a few quid is worth it. Depends how much you think of said recipient I suppose.
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I send Edinburgh ones out to folk who are not here but love and miss the place and family pic ones to family..poignant this year having lost dad..his siblings and mine have special ones this year ..hard to do mind...miss dad so much... sob, you didn't misspell calendar......well now, scenes of Scotland eh!........that will go down well........
What monetary amount, including postage, are we talking here?
I lost my beloved Dad too this year murray, not looking forward to Christmas so much as I usually do now (awful isn't it) and I lost my wonderful 17 year old dog too - heartbreaking.
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hey SQAD mail me [email protected] would be nice having had a cyber talk for so long is harder than I ever imagined but give thanks too.. hugs for is good to have hugs...xx
Forget it^^^
Sqad..I still lurrve and respect ya xx
Mine will be ephotos (photos with greeting print) via email. Postage cost is too much as is the post office nosey queue.

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