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Can Only Get On One Website - Help!

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bednobs | 18:00 Fri 01st Jan 2016 | Technology
6 Answers
hi, my lappy recently had to go to the computer hospital for a reset. Since i got it back, no matter what browser i use i can only get on either facebook or google or MSN hompage but no others, it doesn't make sense, but how can i sort it? Getting to all other websites from husband's lappy


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It's a long shot but resetting the TCP/IP stack might be worth a try. (It's easier than it sounds!) (Ignore the first bit. Scroll down to 'Let me fix it myself').
20:32 Fri 01st Jan 2016
Try flushing the DNS cache:
Press the Windows key and R together. In the box that appears, type
ipconfig /flushdns
and press Enter.

Also check that your browsers aren't configured to use a proxy server. In Firefox, for example, you need to click the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines, top right), then Options > Advanced > Network > (Connection) Settings and check that 'No proxy' is selected.
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how would i check that in chrome please?
I don't use Chrome. (I simply can't get on with it). However this looks as if it will help:
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ok, tried both those - no luck:( any other ideas?
It's a long shot but resetting the TCP/IP stack might be worth a try. (It's easier than it sounds!)
(Ignore the first bit. Scroll down to 'Let me fix it myself').
Question Author
you genius - it worked!!!!!

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