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Smartphone Battery Usage

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Captain Spod | 10:47 Tue 26th Jan 2016 | Technology
7 Answers
I have a Samsung smartphone, about one year old. The battery life is impressive but it always seems to need charging when I need to take it out with me. Is it definitely, DEFINITELY OK to charge it overnight every night without affecting the battery's capacity to hold a charge? I realise that I may be living in the past in this matter but I don't want to get it wrong.
Thanks techsperts (see what I did there?)


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Yes. Batteries have better designs these days. I have an app that says a few minutes of trickle charge and fully charging is good and disapproves of leaving it on too long, but I don't believe it makes much odds.
you can leave it in overnight they wont overcharge, personally it turn mine off at night any family / friends who wants me can use the landline in an emergency
My galaxy s6 says do not leave on charge overnight, i use a timer on my charger to come on around 4 AM
The confusion is caused because old battery technologies (pre Li-Ion) did have memory so needed to be discharged fully before recharge.
Li-Ion have little or no memory issues and are actually enhanced in terms of maximum discharge/charge cycles possible if they come on-charge from a shallow discharge (say 70% left). So regular recharging, little and often actually helps.
A secondary issue was that charging did not stop adequately when the battery was fully charged. This knackers Li-Ion batteries because they get heated up, indeed most types suffer if overcharged. This has been solved by modern control circuitry.
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Thanks everyone, it seems I do need to catch up with the 21st century after all!
If you will excuse me I'm off to charge my phone.
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