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Printing Passport Size Photos

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derekpara | 20:35 Thu 10th Mar 2016 | Technology
5 Answers
How do I print UK passport size photos (45x35mm) using Windows Photo Viewer or Paint ? None of the listed print sizes are small enough.

I have a HP Photosmart 7510 printer.




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(I'm assuming that you've already got your photo with the correct aspect ratio of 45:35. If not, you'll have to crop it first):

Forget Photo Viewer, Paint or any other photo software. Simply use Microsoft Word or similar (such as OpenOffice Writer)! Yes, I know it seems counter-intuitive but it's really easy!

Open a new Word (or whatever) document.
Go to Insert > Picture.
Navigate to the location of your image and double-click on it.
When your image appears in your document, right-click on it and select 'Size & Position'. (In older versions of Word you might need 'Format Picture' instead. In OpenOffice Writer it's 'Picture' you want).
Click OK
Job done!
(For further copies, use the enter key to move your cursor down the page a bit, to put a bit of space between the images. Then either repeat what you've just done or right-click on the first image, select 'Copy', and then select 'Paste' where you want the next copy).
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Thanks again, Chris.

Thanks, DP.

I've noticed that I actually forgot to mention entering the required sizes but I think that was self-evident anyway!
You could also try a free online service that will allow you upload your photo, then select UK Passport size to produce a page containing 8 passport sized photos.

You then use the free download option to save as a jpeg format file ready for printing.

You can also try this free online service that will allow you upload your photo, then select Passport size to generate passport size photo free.

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Printing Passport Size Photos

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