Running a spell check on Microsoft word and it seems to be locked up....any way to unblock it and save the text written - would it go to autosave if I gor a power restart....don't want to lose my text..... thanks
You'll need to hope you have autosave at regular intervals on so you've not lost a lot.
Meanwile leave it for a long while to see if it recovers. Check there is no pop-under wanring/question you can't see asking questions it's waiting for you to answer. Just check everything you can.
This morning I saved a LOT of info about websites into a text editor file which then stopped responding whilst I was in the process of choosing where to save it. Lost the lot, permanently. I was not happy.
Just another thought because I dont know what software you are running but every now and again my WP sends the cp usage to 100% and appears to be frozen. In my case I know its a clash with the file explorer so I close that down and word finishes what it was doing.
So I suggest close everything else and see if it will finish.
Have you already saved the document somewhere or is this a new document.
I have 98 percent of the document saved, Quoi, it's the final 4 pages that I have been working on - may have done a file-save earlier but can't remember!
If you have already saved the document before, the folder should contain another document with ~$ in front and then the name of your file.
This is the word temporary copy of your document. If you copy and save that it is possibly recoverable later.
If you haven't previously saved the document then I dont know where word keeps the temporary copy.
Between you all, it worked, I closed down Google (and here on AB) and there was a pop up behind about some German text and unable to proof. Out of this and, bingo, three more passive tense notifications and I was there....
Thanks (phew)....should save the raw stuff first, I guess - that's the teaching point.