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Fao Buenchico

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Sqad | 14:58 Sat 07th May 2016 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
This isn't easy for me and has come about following your friendly and sincere posts on my birthday thread.
I hate birthday threads.
Over the years, you have taken a load of "stick" and unnecessary comments from me concerning your Body and Soul threads particularly those bloody links. T me, medicine is more than links, being a living science each problem requiring individual attention.......some on a personal basis.
You have handled my resentment with understanding and tact, at a level that , on occasions I have not deserved and that has come to a head with your heart warming comments on my birthday thread.
Just to say much appreciated.

Do not take this post as a sign of weakness OR any sort of apology.


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Too much wine in the sun sqad?
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I try to be pleasant and it is blamed on the ...."wine".
I give in.
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^^^^ It's bloody raining.
Oh good, he's fine. :-)
The sun is out in Essex!!!
Mission accomplished, now to sort out the Arab / Israeli conflict
Why the resentment?? Let it go. seems that I missed your birthday, so "Happy Birthday" from me !

Raining ? In the Med ? Its a beautiful evening here in Swansea !
Happy birthday from me too, squad.
Grovelling doesn't become you, sqad:-)
That is really nearly a lovely post, sqad ;-)
Sqads got half a brown nose :-)
I deliberately didn't wish you a happy birthday because I know you hate the birthday threads. I wish I had now.
Tilly, ask him what he's having for his tea :-)
I'm only bothered about what I'm having for my tea, Melv, but I get your drift.

I'm having a really huge baked potato, with chopped-up pickled onions and loads of grated mature Cheddar, and a homemade sherry trifle for afters !

And a glass of cider !
Thanks, Sqad.

We all love you really ;-)
Have always thought our resident medic was a total softie.
As for Buenchicho - another of my heroes.
And here's me thinking everything would be business as usual on here.
Have you brought a note to explain absence CD? Hope you're well.

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