I think it depends what you do. I check mine several times an hour if I am working from home. If I am out at work, I probably do not check them more than once a day. I rarely check them at weekends (this is because there is the possibility that my weekend can be ruined).
Yet others I know do not check every day. My mother, for example, probably checks hers once every 3 or 4 days.
The problem that email brings is that it is "instant". In the old days we sent letters and if it was really urgent, a fax. Now everyone dashes off emails left right and centre. I was out all day Monday and someone emailed me about 3pm. At 12pm the next day they were on the phone saying "did you get my email, I havent heard". When did everything become so flaming urgent?!!!!
I have about a dozen on line gambling accounts and i check my emails a couple of times per day because i am regularly sent emails from them with offers.
At work constantly, at home in the evenings Inhave decided to never. I put my iPhone Manual Push so unless I touch the icon, none will
Arrive and I can relax. There will be nothing that can't wait until working hours.
Should governments step in to regulate work emails and so rescue harassed staff from the perils of digital burnout? The answer in France appears to be "Yes". President Francois Hollande's Socialist Party is about to vote through a measure that will give employees for the first time a "right to disconnect".