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thelewisgang | 12:34 Thu 22nd Sep 2016 | Technology
16 Answers
I posted a few days ago to say I was buying a new Laptop & giving my old Notebook to a friend who has never had a computer. I took my Notebook back to factory settings which took it back to Windows 8. I then had a Microsoft message to updating it to Windows 8.1. I followed the instructions & I'm getting nowhere. I am getting a downloading message & more than 5 hours later it is showing as 82% complete with the little wheel turning in the middle of the screen. This message has been showing for over 3 hours now. It appears stuck on 82% Do these things take an age to complete?


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13:32 Thu 22nd Sep 2016
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Thanks for the link. It has now completed the first leg & now displaying a message "just updating a few more things" & showing as just 3% complete. Hopefully this shouldn't take too long lol
We did try to advise you against reverting to the factory settings!

However a lot of time and patience should see you get there in the end ;-)
G'afternoon Pat....With a bit of luck it should now complete the up-date and you might then be offered a further update to Windows 10.

I have never updated beyond W 7 and from what I have read about W 10 it might best be avoided. Don't take my word on matters, see what real AB Techies have to say.

Incidentally are you still using your Sewing Machine and making things such as Peg Bags etc. as gifts for your friends.???

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Yes I know you did Buenchico. I'm a glutton for punishment. Just hoping it will be completed soon
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Hi Hans. Yes, I am still making lots of things with my sewing machine! A friend is on her way to USA for a holiday & sent me a message on Messenger a little while ago showing the bag I made her which is going with her!
We're past the offer period for W10. But since many folk seemed to dislike the W8 incarnations it could be something that your friend might consider purchasing. See how they get on with W8.1 first.
Thanks O_G for reminding me that Windows 10 is now unavailable as a free download.

I hope we get a progress report from the O P.


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Well, it finally finished installing 8.1 & Notebook is now packed away until I see my friend. As always, I appreciated your help. Thanks Abers
I am pleased that you have successfully taken your Notebook back to factory settings.

Have you now bought a new Laptop. If so, has it got Windows 10.

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I haven't got a new laptop yet & think it will be with Windows 10 which in a way I am not looking forward to. Presently researching for a good deal
You may find even when the main download has finished that there are umpteen downloads to follow and drivers may need updating.
Oh yes. One recently was apparently 3.2 Gb large ! Make sure you have enough inclusive data available that month.
I can appreciate what both CAC and O_G are saying and,if your Notebook isn't packed away too tightly,you could do a check to see if it needs any further up-dating.

Click the following link and see how you get along. :-

You know where we all are if you need us further on the matter.

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Many thanks x
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