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Waves and frequencies

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manandise | 09:29 Fri 14th Oct 2005 | Science
2 Answers
Wherever I may be, I get (almost perfect) radio and mobile coverage.  Does that mean that, in any possible point of the space, there are billions of possible wave-frequencies ?


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Yes, all related to each other by simple formulas. For ElectroMagnetic (EM) radiation i.e. radio, micrrowaves, light, X-rays. the speed of these waves is the speed of light. The formula to relate waves and frequencies is c(speed of light) = wavelength * frequency. For other waves i.e. water waves, sound waves the speed is related to the medium the waves are travelling through. So the formula would look like, v (velocity of wave) = wavelength * frequency.

Hi, Well CT is correct in principle but we can't use all the frequencies for seperate signals as each signal has a bandwidth which is a certain amount of the available range for each signal and then the bands have to be seperated by an unused set of frequencies to stop them interfering with each other.  Note that all possible frequencies also will include things you wouldn't want to actually use for signals such as x-rays etc... 

You must be lucky with your area cos where I am I almost never get almost perfect coverage.   

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Waves and frequencies

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