Or egg hunt?
This was on the BBC web news web site but thought it a good general discussion on 'British' or 'Christian' values.
Although it is said that the Cadbury Egg Hunt does have Easter in its main advertising the even is 'Egg hunt'.
Do you think it further erodes the consept of Britishness or its seemily 'Christian' values?
Personally I think it does show an erosion of both these values. Traditionally we have seen more and more Christian festivals and days of importance sidelined or downgraded. We have gone from Christmas celebrations, lights and such like referred to instead as 'winter' and is even referred to in supermarkets as seasonal produce.
Take away or dilute our Christian heritage and you start to erode what is has meant to be British.
Dewali is gaining prominence and Christianity is loosing it.
There is no doubt that we are and have always been a diverse nation with many different nationalities and religions bountifully accepted but Christianity and Britishness, aspects of nationhood almost, seem to be dirty words at the moment.