Are you attempting to reach it using a bookmark or have you typed in the URL manually? I had a problem a few years ago where I couldn't get to a favourite camera shop via my bookmark. I contacted a friend who's a bit more internet savvy than I am who suggested typing the address manually; it worked. I think I later contacted my ISP with the problem and they corrected it so that the bookmark worked again.
Yourlink works perfectly for me Sandy. It might sound a silly suggestion but have you tried clicking on your AB link yourself? A few of us here reach the site doing that; you may be lucky.
Minty, if you look at the entirety of the Via de la Plata, 1000km, it's daunting but if if you see it as a succession of 20 km walks it's doable, in time.
You may have a corruption in your DNS cache it may be worth flushing it out
You will need to run this in an elevated command prompt
Type "cmd" in the search box then right click on "cmd.exe" and select "run as administrator" you will have to to click "yes" in the user accounts control box
In the command line type in "ipconfig /flushdns"