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Two Lots Of Anti-Virus Installed

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kenny1234 | 13:47 Wed 12th Apr 2017 | Technology
13 Answers
Last year I had TREND installed by the guy who I go to to sort out problems---I have just been made aware that my BT package includes free " Virus protect"---Is there a problem having 2 kinds??


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P.S. Is the BT one as good as TREND??
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Despite what Murdo says, having more than one AV programme can cause serious problems. Each programme can regard the other as a virus and I recall having read that there have been instances of hundreds of copies of one e/mail being sent to a single recipient.


AS others have pointed out, they will consider each other as suspicious and interfere with each other. Remove one; or if you feel so inclined remove both and install one of your choice. In any case I think it might be advisable to uninstall both and then reinstall whichever you like from scratch.

As a matter of interest what is the BT package ? Did you install an AV that they sent you when you set up your PC to use BT as an ISP ?
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I have BT as my broadband supplier---I merely noticed that I have Bt AV include in my monthly package
BT has now offered it's users a free download of an AV programme but, like me; you may Not have downloaded it. If you haven't you could opt for something better.

I know that I have failed to agree with Murdo about having more that one AV programme in a Computer/Laptop but he is 100% right to gave put you in the direction of Avast.

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If you must have bolt on security for whatever reason, Scanguard has been getting good reviews. I installed the free test version and had a look at it. Then in installed it. I have in the past tried them all and can only say more is not necessarily better. By the way Scanguard is a brand new product that was only floated this year.
There have been a few threads on Scanguard , tread carefully. Here is just one.
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A retentive memory, no knowledge of Scanguard but knew I'd seen warnings about it.

Another "survey". As Mamy and previous threads have advised, treat all the claims and reviews as personal judgements. Once on your pc you become the battlefield that is the war between them all. I am happy with Defender and my own common sense. I had a look at it and like all the other similar businesses selling a product had warnings and advice that I knew to be alarmist.
By the way @ 21 36 it should have read //I installed the free test version and had a look at it. Then "un-installed" it.//

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Two Lots Of Anti-Virus Installed

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