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Ab Won't Load On My Tablet.

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shaneystar2 | 14:48 Thu 28th Sep 2017 | Technology
975 Answers
My Samsung Galaxy tablet won't load the AB page. It sticks half way across and then I get a message saying that this web page is unavailable.
It only happens with AB. It was like this when they changed the site so I downloaded an adblocker and it's been fine.
Now it doesn't load again although the adblocker is working.Everything else I use and look at on it is ok apart from AB.
Any suggestions as to how I can rectify this ?


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Question Author really early for Christmas.It wouldn't surprise me that our local tat shop has already got cards on display ,they usually start in August.
It's been cool here today ,well 25C but that's much cooler than of late.I don't think it's going to be quite so blazing hot here after tomorrow looking at the long range Accu forecast.
I'll have a look at those when I do my next order Woofy. At least you can have a cooling shower now.
I hope we're not going to see your name in the papers Neti :)

No names no photos. Was it worth it I ask myself. Foot still fat and swollen today but we've been to Kiplings Garden where it was so cool. Sisters flat is right on the beach front at Rottingdean so am sitting at the open window people watching.
At 3pm there is the Brighton Big Band playing next to flat so well watch that.
We went to The Terraces and sat there for 15mins listening to the band which was lovely but it was way too hot with no shade so back in flat with a cuppa. I think my new BP med amlodipine is causing my fat ankles . Woody shall I stop taking it? Been on it about a month.
Woody I mean woofy. Damn phone. Back in big house in Eastbourne where it's cool at the moment. Am seeing the nose specialist ( next door neighbour) at 6 pm tomorrow. Just being lazy now as ankle keeps swelling so am resting it.
Now that one I wouldn’t stop without discussion with a mexico. Can you see one ehile you are here on your ehic?
Unfortunately I don't have a health card as was too difficult to get one in my own name as in Spain I come under Mr N and he has to apply and online wouldn't accept it. I am supposed to get an s1 here which would cover me here and in Spain as a pensioner but no one knows what will happen with health care after Brexit so am not changing over until I know. Ill just potter along and hope for the best.
Good morning all...hope you're all ok and that your foot gets better neti.
Sorry I didn't make it back for the birthday cake but I ended up with an all day brainache and I've been (slowly) busy since then.
Loving the early shopping for xmas, quite a novelty to do it in shorts and flip flops. :)

So hot last night but it might cool down from tomorrow.
I've got a garden full of men in straps and ropes ....phew....I'm feeling a tad warm :)
Btw the dentist is referring me to the hospital for this jaw/ear pain. Hope I don't end up with a wired jaw, I'll be waving my hands about in silence. Imagine that....
We have had unforecast rain here which is making Shughy jumpy. I have got noo computer 3 days early and am turning off the annoying stuff like predictive text. Hope you are all ok. This weather is not good for anyone's elf.
Morning all. We had a few spots of rain in Eastbourne last night. Didn't amount to much. Went to the Hippodrome to see a variety show which was super. Ate scampi in wetherspoons before going.
Poor Robi not much fun is it.
Saw ENT doctor yesterday and basically my nose isn't making mucus which it needs, so have a liquid solution to make up to sniff 2x a day to get it going. No one mentioned netipots!
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Morning all
Much cooler today.We seem to have dodged the rain and thunderstorms last night but it's supposed to bucket down tomorrow. It was awful here yesterday ,90 odd% humidity.I think the extreme temps are over now though.
Hope you get some relief from whatever you have to sniff Neti and that you don't have to wait too long for an appt Robinia.
How are things with your OH Jno ?
Nothing doing here .Same old ,different days.
just popped out to Devonshire for the last few days of summer, land of my fathers. Well, land of one great great great grandfather, anyway. He was a whitesmith, bookseller, police chief, court bailiff and other jobs too, all at the same time. Nothing new about portfolio careers. His bookshop is still there 200 years later but it's now a coffee bar.

OH stayed at home recovering from what seems to be a liver problem (fluid retention) and a painful shoulder that seems to have nothing to do with all the previous problems, which is most unusual. After all the stream of internal problems, we don't need muscular-skeletal ones too.

Definitely a few degrees cooler here but it's still warm and sunny. I have greatly enjoyed this summer and am thinking of applying for another one.

Hmmm, Robinia, which are you hoping to keep, the jaw or the ear?
Jno was OH able to look after herself? I escaped from sister today for a couple of hours so ran riot round the shops, then had to return.
Good afternoon...cloudy, breezy and a few degrees cooler but still nicely warm. Actually the clouds are coming over a tad dark.

Hmmm, ear or jaw? A missing ear means wonky specs, crooked hat, and is it my 'in' or 'out' ear? Missing jaw means a lifetime of cuppa soup (no cooking, a bonus) but no gossip marathons (bonus for everyone else).

I did some extended chatting this morning, I was supposed to be snipping in the front garden but the whole world and his wife and their dogs stopped to would be rude to ignore them. The gang with their big equipment made a lovely job of the cherry tree and hedges yesterday. It seems so much lighter now, and so does my piggy bank.

Oh dear, dry nose, dry eyes, dry skin....we'll leave it there... we're all shrivelling up.
hello all. My builder brought his children to work with him today. I knew about it and agreed. They met the dogs and apart from Rab deciding that children must be barked at, it all went very well. Once we had understood that Rab needed to be near me in the presence of children who might be scarey aliens, we had a lovely visit and Rab decided that children are human after all. Shughy just wanted to drink their apple juice which also had to be prevented.
Its been much nicer here today, cool and breezy but still summery. Hope no one has any odd bits fall off.
Morning all. Oh it rained copiously in the night. Much as I like rain I don't want it when I only have sandals to wear.
Have a free day to myself yippee.
Love the dogs woofy, they are so comical!
I've been out, I spent a lot, I got wet, very wet. Got a chse and onion bake from Greggs and got bus home. Got thick socks on and watched old EE. Ah so nice. After sister left early I saw a huge black spider in the bath. Yikes so sister's friend dispatched it for me. Horrible.
drizzling all day here- normally I would lodge an objection but it means no watering the lawn for a while.

No insects in the bath here ... hang on, what's that?
I did an old cobweb chase today but am always careful to leave the in use webs and live spiders alone because I hate flies. No builder today because it has rained on and off all day and next job is to start putting preservative on wood. More rain forecast for tomorrow so work recommences on monday weather permitting. I have pinched a nerve in my neck and have got fizzy burning all down my left arm so am enthroned in state with my arm on a pillow doing releasing exercises. i wouldn't be in this state if I had taken notice of the fizzy burning in my neck some weeks ago.

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