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Not Even In Sheer Desperation!

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NoMercy | 08:01 Sat 30th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
142 Answers
What wouldn't you do, even in your our of desperation?

No matter how starving hungry I was, I couldn't eat a KFC.

Also, if I was desperate for the loo to the point where my bladder couldn't hold much longer, I couldn't use a dirty, smelly loo. I'd walk a mile to the nearest clean one.

How about you?


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No matter how desperate I was to draw attention to myself, I wouldn't try to derail what I assume to be a lighthearted thread by taking it seriously.
16:25 Sat 30th Sep 2017
Good question, NoM. I'll have to go for the loo. I was in S Africa, desperate for a wee. We found a place that sold drinks, food and had a loo (one loo only for men and women). Great! I thought, at least there's a loo. OH and son went. I went in and omg it was disgusting. I couldn't use it. I'm fairly sure that OH and son weren't responsible. I had to hang on til the next place.
You would eat KFC if you were starving. To suggest other wise is pure snobbery.
As for toilets I'd use a secluded bush rather than risking peeing myself
No matter how hungry I am, I cannot eat a McDonalds!! But the loo, I have squatted in some filthy places and holes in ground, especially abroad.
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Clover - I don't blame you for not using that loo, though it's probably tantamount to snobbery on our parts

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Sharon, what's wrong with a McDonald's? Stop being such a snob

If you were homeless and hadn't had a hot meal in days...that KFC would taste like heaven to you.
As for the loo...I'd hold it in also. Or make sure I had one of those shewees or whatever they are called.
Yes, I've used some filthy holes in the ground, but leaving loos filthy is gross. This was gross.

I've eaten KFC when taking my (then young) son with his friends after seeing a film. It's not that bad. I liked their Zinger wraps.
Even in a night of desperation I would not buy a gun or
steal a car.
Sharon, is it thought of a beefburger that you don't like, or the fear that someone you know might see you in a McDonald's?
They do a pretty good chicken wrap, by the way.
Lol! I could manage a fish burger, it is all the rumours of what's in them, off putting.
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Pasta, I tried KFC for the first and last time about 6 years ago. It tasted vile and I'm pretty sure it's the sort of food that can harm your health. Additionally, there are recent reports that they've been using halal meat. So, even if I was ravenously hungry, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.
There are lots of things I wouldn't do. I know my neighbour keeps wine in his unlocked shed, and he's away a lot. I wouldn't go and nick a bottle if I couldn't be bothered to go to the shop.
If you were really desperate and in dire straits, you might do a lot of things that you never thought you would.
to me KFC =sparrows knee caps awful stuff ...but if you buy a KFC bucket after you finished it you have a portable loo using the bucket
Hmmm...not everyone can have principles when it comes to the food they eat. KFC donates a huge amount to us on a weekly basis. The clients love it, it fills them up, and it stretches our ( very small )food budget. I can't say no to that. But that's just my opinion. :-)
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I'm not saying people shouldn't eat it, Pasta, just that I couldn't.
If you were starving you would eat KFR
I used to work for an airline. We went through Bombay, and the stench from the gents toilet in arrivals was unbelievable. Even holding your breath walking past didn't seem to stop you suffering the effect. It even made your eyes sting.

One time our first officer had a severe attack of the runs and had no choice but to use it. How he managed to breathe I don't know.
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I haven't overlooked your answer, Talbot. I wouldn't steal a car either. The gun thing is difficult for me to answer. My dad belongs to a gun club and has a stocked gun cabinet at home. My mother and I both know where the key is kept. If someone broke in, would I use one of the guns in defence? Yes, I would.
No mercy what's the difference in you not eating a kfc or a macdonalds which is full of grease and calories .both have there bad points .i don't like Chinese as you don't know what's in them either .must admit I like Indian food Like the korma but you don't know what's in that either .i would trust an Indian meal before a Chinese one .

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