I've spent most of today sitting in hospital waiting rooms....corridors..... cupboards labeled Waiting Room....and consulting rooms.....
I now know that television at 8am is annoying and noisy........that the ring tones of dozens of mobile phones are different, loud and annoying.....
Despite having my head in a book I now know the medical history and present symptoms of at least ten people.......as they explained them to the rest of the waiting room or loudly into the phone of some poor soul who perhaps only wanted to sell them something.....
What I don't know is why this happened.....
As I sat in one noisy waiting room two workmen entered carrying a short step ladder and a nice little blue and white screen.....
Workman A opened the ladder and climbed to the top platform......
Workman B then rolled up the trouser legs of workman A....just above his knees.....and placed the screen in front of him.....
Seconds later he took the screen away and workman A had rolled back down one trouser leg....
He descended....they smiled....gathered together their "props"....and left......
The good part of this is that...apart from the sound of the TV....the waiting room became silent as everybody watched........bliss..... :-)