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Bt Email Icon

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primula | 17:56 Fri 03rd Nov 2017 | Technology
4 Answers
I had the BT-email icon on my screen at the top below File - Edit - just below the search part but I have lost it somehow - been onto BT Chat but they were no help whatsoever - can someone please help me get this back?

Thanks - in advance -for all who answer


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Firstly, please confirm that you're using a Windows computer. (It won't help if we assume that you are but you're actually using an Android phone, an iPad or something else).

Then please tell us which web browser you're using. (Internet Explorer? Edge? Firefox? Chrome? Safari? Opera? Something else?)

Once we've got that information we can probably tell you how to create a new shortcut to BT's email service.
Question Author
I am using Apple Mac High Sierra - Firefox - when I go to Safari i have the Bt enails but the icon when I use Firefox has somehow disappeared. Thank you for taking the time to answer .

It could be that your bookmarks toolbar has disappeared from Firefox.

With Firefox open, right-click near to the top of the screen. If there's not a tick next to 'Bookmarks Toolbar', click to put one there.

That might be all you need to do. If not, (with the bookmarks toolbar in place) go here:

Click on where it says 'British Telecommunications plc' (just to the left of the address bar) and, keeping your mouse button held down, drag it onto the bookmarks toolbar

You should then have a shortcut labelled 'Email Login Page'. If you'd rather have a different name (such as 'BT Mail'), right-click on the shortcut, choose 'Properties, change the name and click 'Save'.
Question Author
Thank you Buenchico - did what you said about the Bookmarks Toolbar
and I have now got BT Emails icon once more installed

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Bt Email Icon

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