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Help, Lost Tv Picture

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Rtaxron | 17:28 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
When I reached for the remote, I accidentaly pressed something, and lost the picture/sound, with a notice coming up, saying check cable connections & settings.

I turned it off/on, and checked source button, all ok, but its the same, any ideas folks, its a Samsung, quite new.


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You haven't switched the input source have you? In other words, are you looking at an HDMI socket with nothing plugged into it instead of the tuner?
Sorry, you said you checked the source. My LG has a button to swap between TV and radio as well.
Have you accidentally turned off whatever you use to get your signal from - Sky box, freeview box etc?
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I checked the source to see if it was on the tv mode, bhg it was.

I didnt touch the Sky remote, it was the tv one prudie

Have you asked Alexa?
Oh, so you use a Sky box? Then you have switched to dtv (digital TV) but don't have an aerial connected.

Try pressing the Sky button in the Sky remote.
Try going into Menu then scroll down to either AV 1, 2 or HDMI 1, 2 etc if multiple ones, and go through them and hopefully picture will return.
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Have you asked Alexa?

She is on her tea break baldric!

try pressing the Sky button in the Sky remote.

Just tried that hopkirk, nothing
Do you watch all your TV on Sky?

If so I still think your TV is trying to show Freeview.

Check the cable from Sky is pushed in well, and follow advice from others to adjust which input is selected.
It should not be in the TV mode you mention, if using a Sky box.

Make sure the Sky box is on, and press the source button until you find it.
When my lot play up I turn it all off at the wall including the sky box and it leave for 10 seconds. That fixes a lot of things.
Look at the sky box - do you have a green light or is it amber or red?

If its not green find the sky remote, press sky then press the on/off button or tv guide.

If it is green, on the tv remote press source - assuming your tv and sky are connected by hdmi cable - if you have more than one device connected to the tv by hdmi, try each hdmi option in turn.

It is possible that you have put the sky box to sleep with the tv remote - as the tv remote is suposed to work the sky box as well - althoug I find that it only does so when you don't want it to (I have a Samsung as well!)
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scroll down to either AV 1, 2 or HDMI 1, 2 etc i

If you mean on TV remote, Gone through menu yogi, dosent seam to have that option :-(
When I do source, my imputs appear along the top of the screen - every press of source selects the next imput.
Have you put the TV in standby? I did similar with mine..can't remember which button I pressed to it though.
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forgot to add, it cant be signal as I can get my Prime firestick tv
Have you got a INPUT button that may bring them up, TRT?

Do you get your Sky Box Signal through HDMI or Scart?

Have you perhaps hit the DVD or VCR button by mistake? Depends how old your TV is. Annoying because if I was there, probably would fix it in a minute.
Whats th tv model number?
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I watch all TV on Sky?
green sky light is on.

Its on the correct source button I use all the time.

I think I will have to call the helpline, thanks folks

Sorry couldn't help, TRT....good luck.

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