I am entirely aware that modern pop is not designed to appeal to me, and I have no issue with that.
But even so, most of the pop I hear on radio seems to consist of young women either shrieking at the top of their limited range, or dropping their voices to the bottom of their limited range and then gurgling down their noses with enough glottal stops to start another language entirely, or else they are so produced with effects and noises that they no longer sound even vaguely human.
I know I am getting old, but I still enjoy well-made pop even if it is not something I would listen to from choice particularly - anyone else notice what seems to be a change for the worse?
We are a house-full of Music Lovers. It was only commented on Saturday evening, reruns of TOTP, that a few years back you knew exactly what was coming by the intro, with the more recent stuff, haven't got a clue and we do try to stay up to date, honest!
Who invented Rap?
Opportunists who can't sing I believe.
Another sad influence of black culture asserting itself and the Political Correct Brigade falling over themselves to accept it, spread it, and acclaim it.
How terribly sad.
I remember, and I don’t know why, that on a showing of Juke Box Jury, (showes how old I am) that one of the jurists said that, with a finite number of notes in the 4/5 octaves there are, there must come a time that songs become, repetative. This was in the 60s. What do you think?
It's your age, Andy! ;)
Pop music has always been incomprehensible to the generation before, as you know, being a music journalist.
I agree though. Today's music sounds like a load of pap to me.
i only listen to music from the 70s-90s after that cant stand any of the tripe that's about now i bet i couldn't name one person who's in the top 40 at present!