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Sound On Fb

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murraymints | 17:53 Mon 28th May 2018 | Technology
7 Answers
sound is not playing on FB ...ok on youtube..when I play a clip the sound with a line through shows in the top bar bit even thought the mute is not on on the clip...


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Some possible suggestions here:

If they don't help it might be useful to know what type of device you're using (Windows PC? Android phone? iPad? etc) and which browser (or app).
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win 10 chrome laptop
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sorted ! ta chris
Minty you are beautiful. Your new avatar looks stunning.
Sorry it’s off topic....but wow....
Question Author
why thank you kind sir..blush blush xx
You haven't said whether you are using the FB app or a browser, but if you are using Chrome there is a facility to mute individual tabs. When a video or audio clip is playing, a loudspeaker icon appears in the tab next to the title. Clicking it will mute the sound (shown as a speaker with a diagonal line through it). Clicking again will unmute the sound, and the diagonal line will disappear.
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chair..thank you..the whole site had been muted....think the cat walking over the keyboard may have been the cause..sorted now.. x

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Sound On Fb

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