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Playbill | 17:22 Tue 29th May 2018 | Technology
4 Answers
Like most users, I have received many requests from companies and organizations to allow them to keep sending me their email stuff.

I have acknowledged and agreed to some, and am happy to ignore many others that were not wanted.

But what is annoying are the email senders that bombard me with email subject lines supposedly from Amazon, Tesco, banks and other well known companies. I check the sender company without opening the email and they are usually from the same two or three senders: one uses the name of a well known British daily newspaper. I have marked them in my email settings to be blocked. But they keep coming.

Does this mean that they originate outside the EU area. And why can't my hotmail setting block them.


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The blocking software normally looks at the email address the sender claims to be the sender's address but the headers normally show the real address was different or hides the true address- so the block doesn't work
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Oh well, they'll keep on coming then. Makes a joke of the new GDPR regulation when the most annoying and useless messages do not need to be allowed.
Think yourself lucky chanel5.
As I've said recently, the GDPR is a complete joke.
No-ones' privacy is being protected.

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