a quiet helicopter. I'm sure it never used to make any sound at all. It's about a year or so old. Any idea what could be making the noise and what I can do about it?
Just vacuum over it while the PC's off. No need to dismantal anything. (Try to stop fan spinning too much as I've read here that it can generate voltage that the PC might not like. Not that I've ever worried about it.) Just do any in/on the PC case first. Leave internal ones for now.
Most likely the cooling fan blades are hitting the case slightly. Either the blades of the fan or the fan case are bent. Have a look . Bend them or the casing back slightly & carefully if they are.
Jmore than likely dust that's collected over the fan casing this will make it spin faster hence the sound as it will be working harded to cool the CPU take the side casing off , gently vacuum the fan casing and you can buy a can of "air duster" from wilkos and give it blast too
I use an air-duster on my cooling fan every now and again, as recommended by Derek - works fine. It's always worth dusting the fan attached to the CPU at the same time. You will disturb a LOT of dust, so have the hoover handy.
There's also the possibility that your hard drive is on its way out, so make sure you keep your backups up-to-date.