Crosswords4 mins ago
Screen Shot
12 Answers
how do I take a screen shot ??
https:// www. howtogeek. com/ 226280/ how- to- take- screenshots- in- windows- 10/
08:43 Fri 07th Dec 2018
Press print sctreen - prt scr button - and paste onto a word doc
several ways here
https:/ /www.go m/searc h?clien t=firef ox-b-ab &bi w=1366& amp;bih =654&am p;ei=3z IKXJuRI su6kwX7 -K2YBA& amp;q=w indows+ 10++lap top+scr eenshot &oq =window s+10++l aptop+s creensh ot& gs_l=ps y-ab.3. .0j0i8i 30l4.13 779.139 02..141 55...0. 0..0.73 .138.2. .....0. ...1..g ws-wiz. ......0 i71j0i8 i7i30.M tge9V8Q VbQ
several ways here
Why did you not say that in the first place.
There are many devices where you can take a screen shot - your TV, your smartphone, your tablet, your iPhone, your iPad, your Windows laptop, your Mac laptop etc etc.
Try to remember that people replying to a question don't know what device you are using.
Why did you not say that in the first place.
There are many devices where you can take a screen shot - your TV, your smartphone, your tablet, your iPhone, your iPad, your Windows laptop, your Mac laptop etc etc.
Try to remember that people replying to a question don't know what device you are using.