Merr Christmas folks. Hope you've all got the present you really desired!
I plugged my wifes' SG into my PC (W7, Google Chrome) and it said
"unknown device". I want to print some photos but I'm baffled as to why it doesn't recognize the phone. Any ideas from you clever people? Thanks
Not really. It should have the right drivers on the PC, but as it's W7 maybe not. Have you tried unplugging and replugging ? Or the old favourite, turn the PC off then on again ? Failing that it's going to control panel to see what's indicated, and troubleshooting.
If you've got another Windows computer handy, see if that will recognise the phone. (If it does you might then find that, mysteriously, the first computer will then recognise it too. I've absolutely no idea why that happens but I've found that it works many times).