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Importing Photos

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potty64 | 16:47 Mon 31st Dec 2018 | Technology
3 Answers
Plugged camera in to Lap Top - clicked on pictures (As I've done many times before) Click on Import and clicked on Unselect before clicking on the four photos I wanted to select but the page then disappeared. Why?


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Did you knock the cable thus disconnecting the camera, or did the camera switch off?
I haven't the foggiest idea why that happened but I do know that you appear to be seeking to import the pictures the hard way. I'd never advise connecting a camera to a laptop. That usually requires either special software or, at the very minimum, the laptop to recognise the camera as an external drive. (Both can lead to difficulties and/or to slow transfers).

Remove the SD card from the camera and insert it into your laptop's card reader. Then you can simply drag-&-drop (or copy-&-paste) the files using Windows Explorer.

If your laptop hasn't got a card reader built into it simply use a USB one. They're not expensive; I've had ones from pound shops that have worked perfectly and there are loads on Amazon, eBay, etc,. e.g. User Recommendation
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Nope - did not knock cable. And no, the camera did not switch off.

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Importing Photos

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