I rent a room and since I spend most of my time sitting on the edge of my bed, I've noticed that a patch of the carpet where my feet go is nearly threadbare. I am worried that I will be charged for a new carpet by my landlord, but I have been on that bit of carpet now for 9 years. The rest of the carpet is fine, just that one bit! As a landlord myself, my tenants ruined the carpets and I was told to just replace them (by the estate agent) as they were 10 years old and basically needed replacing. I did this, no problem. Do you think this is reasonable wear and tear, and that my landlord should just buy a new carpet at some point?
Well initially Scarlett can you change your sitting position so that your feet are not in same position all the time?
Has your landlord performed any maintenance on your room?
So you have had that carpet for nine years, was it already down then or was it brand new when you moved in. Nine years seems like reasonable wear and tear to me.
Landlord hasn't done anything to my room since I moved in. It desperately needs painting too. They are very old and have just moved miles away. I think the would be happy for me to paint but I'd have to pay. Tilly2- complicated situation; I let my flat out whilst I moved away to do a course. Then got more and more disabled, can no longer walk. I can't move back as my old flat has many stairs, plus my old jobs have now employed other people. The city I live in now is about 4 times as expensive as where I used to live- so I am in a tiny flat with a flatmate. No sitting room (box room is where we do laundry) so I am in my room all the time. Now disabled so can't rent anywhere more expensive.
tonyav - it wasn't new but was in perfectly good nick when I moved in- hence my concern. It's in good condition everywhere else in the flat, just where I perch on the side of my bed!
a carpet with a bare patch on it isn't going to be much of a draw for future tenants. But if you're not contemplating leaving, why not just get a small rug and put it over the patch, so it won't get any worse?
Scarlett I have a short term solution if you are planning to move, but if not your landlord must have, someone you can contact locally or letting agent.
jno I will, I have a rug I can drag over and cover it, I am just worried that I will be charged for a whole carpet when I do leave. It may be better to mention it to my landlord now..?