Been to Bristol hospital today to see about one of these for OH.
He is totally deaf without his hearing aids. His ear canal is thewidth of a pin on his worst ear. He has them vacuumed out every six weeks but within two days he is as deaf as ever.
The meeting went really well. He had to fill in four pages of questions. Then loads of hearing tests. Some he was not too bad but others 25-32%.
She said he was a good candidate but it has to go to a panel for decision.
She mentioned a Facebook page that has a group of implant people who meet up in local pubs for a social chat and info sessions so will get daughter involved in that as we don't do FB.
I really hope he gets the go ahead for it as it is so frustrating for him at times. Also I have so many conversations on my own!
Has anyone any experience of the cochlea ear implant on here?
I am deaf and was offered a cochlear implant many years ago - I refused - no. 1 - they are ugly things, no. 2 too old now - and mostly - no. 3 I really couldn't stand all the noises I would be subjected to.
I got a new hearing aid and can't believe for the first time I heard a bird whistle in the park and some other little noises - you know - that'll do me along with with the lipreading I do too. Good luck with your little OH Caran but it wouldn't be for me.