picture converting in The AnswerBank: Technology
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picture converting

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marc0357 | 22:34 Wed 16th Nov 2005 | Technology
4 Answers
i have scanned pics in tif. format in need to make them either gif. or jpeg is this possible to do
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load them into your photo editing software and then simply resave in the format you require.
If you've got lots of pictures to convert, then a program with a batch conversion facility will be quicker than Marc's method. If IrfanView isn't already on your PC, it should be! It's a great picture viewing/editing program with loads of flexibility (including the ability to handle batch conversions). Best of all, it's free: http://www.irfanview.com/

Oops! I got Homer's and Marc's names transposed! Sorry! (Time to open a can, methinks!).

just felt I had to back up Chris regarding Irfanview...it is the bees knees especially as it is FREE...and so versatile......screengrabs, you name it, a breeze to use too...commoner

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