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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:23 Fri 09th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
Friday. The weather man on the idiot box has told us a big porky. No rain he said. It's hammering down! So it's out and back a bit sharpish this morning.

I have the Wee White Tornado in residence later today, for a week I think. That's peace and quiet out the window! :o} She's a wee sweetie. My friends in Yate will be over to see her.


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Wee white tornado- a little dog?
Rumbles of thunder here now.
That's it! Lightning just flashed and Thor smacked Bromborough with his hammer!
Morning Hun! Not raining - yet! But very dark and grey, and am sure it will be within the hour. Weather forecast for here today is not good at all. Lots of work to do today. Teen Smow still enjoying new job - it will be his 3rd Friday there today and they are already discussing dragging him down the pub again lol. Seriously they seem like a really good company to work for, am so pleased for him. I went to a local(ish)animal sanctuary yesterday and donated all my cats unopened tinned meat, biscuits, food bowls etc. It was a wonderful place - full of cats , dogs, rabbits, horses, pigs, chickens etc, I oculd have stayed there all day.
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WWT is a Parsons Terrier. Bred by a parson by the name of Jack Russell. He had a problem with rats in his church. He was also a dog breeder, so he decided to breed a dog small enough to deal with the rats, but be friendly with people. The Parsons Terrier is one up from the Jack Russell. Which is obviously where the name came from.
Wow! Glad you told me that. One of my sons lives alone and got himself a Jack Russel about six months ago. He brings her to us quite often and I absolutely love her.

Morning Smow. What does teen Smow do for a living?
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Morning sweetheart xxx Good to see Teen Smow getting on well.
Animal sanctuaries and wonderful are they not. We have donkey sanctuary not far from here. I sometimes take a trip over with a huge bag of carrots for them. They have a donkey there named Pedro, we first came across him in Cornwall where he was rescued from the side of the road. He was moved up here to get him away from where he had been so badly treated. When I went there he recognised my voice and started braying until I went to see him. He came straight over to me and laid his head against my chest. He's a lovely lad. I go and see him often.
Thor has his hammer out - time for Boaty to get his hammer out - Spammers around!
He’s a European move consultant (or something a bit like that lol). He has to do all the quotes etc for anyone wanting to move from this country to anywhere overseas, so say a family here wants to move to Italy. Has to quote a price to move all their belongings based on size of house etc, arrange shipping......
Smow - that sounds quite involved and responsible. Plenty of room for advancement in that line of work I dare say.
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A good job smow! Good luck to him. You have every right to be proud of him.
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Just emailed you smow.
Theland/WBM yes he’s had to take many courses/exams to qualify for what he does but he loves it. Very long hours but that’s the name of the game. 4 hours commuting a day but that’s London!
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Good for him smow. He earns his pay!
He has my admiration for the commuting alone!
Can't wait to tell my son, George that he has a Parsons Terrier!
Weather starting to look v grim here!
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You can tell him how they came about too. :o}

It's still lashing down here smow.
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Time for a coffee methinks.
Terrible weather here flooding through the back doorstep and the wind is awful, flight from Belfast to Birmingham should be interesting.
No rain here - yet.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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