Volte-Face By Auntie Bbc in The AnswerBank: News
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Volte-Face By Auntie Bbc

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diddlydo | 13:48 Sat 30th Nov 2019 | News
39 Answers
After what the BBC said earlier re Boris, Andrew Marr and Andrew Neil interviews they've done an about turn. Typical!

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What right did they have to ban him from appearing in the first place?

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Danny - the BBC said he wouldn't be invited to the Andrew Marr show unless he also agreed a date to be interviewed by Andrew Neil. He hasn't done that but the BBC have changed their mind - or maybe had their hand forced by the Tories.
Diddly //or maybe had their hand forced by the Tories.//
Or realised that they were out of order.
the reason for the U turn is explained in the article. did you not read all of it before posting?
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Yes I've read the whole article and don't believe a word what the Beeb says about the change of heart being because of the terrorist attacks - that's just an excuse for being bullied by Boris.
//Yes I've read the whole article and don't believe a word what the Beeb says //

but if it was a lie, why hasn't the guardian called it out? are they lying as well?
Diddly, the Guardian is your newspaper of choice, don't you believe what they write anymore?
Loll Diddly has had a volte-face.
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Do read the article properly for goodness sake.
Diddly //Do read the article properly for goodness sake.//
Suggest that you do the same.
-- answer removed --
// the BBC said he wouldn't be invited to the Andrew Marr show unless he also agreed a date to be interviewed by Andrew Neil//

Since when did the Beep Beep See set the agenda for a General Election campaigns? Serves you right for being half baked enough to rely on the shysters to tout your bile by proxy. If they want the right to advertise their opinions or to push their preferences let them fund it for themselves. The sooner the licence tax is scrapped the better it will be for the whole of the UK. Clever Boris gave them the cold shoulder as would any half intelligent person. Just because agent Cob was stupid enough to let them rip him a new one why should our future PM follow suit like a lemming? Perhaps the Donald will give them an interview when he makes his visit. Do you think that they will have the gonads to invite him?
Always good for a laugh on a damp dreary quiet afternoon though TLC. :-)
https://www.theguardian (In English)
'Despite the possibility of further 'unfortunate incidents' like the one we sort of reported on yesterday, the Eton-educated PM should devote all his time to being hounded by our comrades at the aBBC'
'PS. Have you got any spare change'

Diddly, you might know this. Does the fact that The Guardian are always 'on the cadge' mean that they've burned through their tax-avoiding off-shore Trust already?
They applied the marxist and left wing methods to their financial dealings Spice and blew a £33 million trust fund in 12 months. No one was surprised except the people who run the rag.
^ £302 million.
The £33 million was in one 12 month period Spice over the years, if we were able to find out what they were doing with the connivance of the offshore administrators, it would probably be much worse that the eye watering £302 million. You would need a heart of stone not to laugh mind. :))
Let's face it , Boris is not going to allow himself to be mauled and scrutinised by Neil

Much safer to be have a friendly chat with a lightweight interviewer

If it was Corbyn who was shying away , then you would not hear the last of it on here
//If it was Corbyn who was shying away , then you would not hear the last of it on here//

Wrong. If most of us never heard another whimper from his twisted lips we would be more than happy.
You would never hear the last if it on here

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