phase noun 1 a stage or period in growth or development. 2 the appearance or aspect of anything at any stage. 3 astron any of the different shapes assumed by the illuminated surface of a celestial body, eg the Moon. 4 physics the stage that a periodically varying waveform has reached at a specific moment, usually in relation to another waveform of the same frequency. 5 chem a homogeneous part of a chemical system that is separated from other such parts of the system by distinct boundaries • Ice and water form a two-phase mixture. verb (phased, phasing) to organize or carry out (changes, etc) in stages. in or out of phase coinciding, or failing to coincide, phase by phase throughout a series of changes.
ETYMOLOGY: 19c: from Greek phasis appearance.
faze verb (fazed, fazing) colloq to disturb, worry or fluster • He wasn't fazed by the adverse publicity he received. • That film completely fazed me.
ETYMOLOGY: 19c: variant of the dialect word feeze to beat off.
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